Industrial Security

Industrial Security Service Options

Facility Security Clearance Support 1

From sponsorship to Facility Clearances (FCL) determination, Parker Sentinel Defense Solutions, LLC (PSDS) will support the entire security clearance process.

  • Documentation
  • Submission of Supporting Documents
  • Advise and Assist
Industrial Security

Facility Security Officer (FSO) Support Option 2

From Facility Clearances (FCL) to Vulnerability Assessment Preparation, PSDS specializes in maintaining and supporting client security.

  • Program Oversite
  • DD254 Maintenance
  • Personnel Clearance Initiation

Hourly Support Option 3

Industrial Security support tailored to fit client needs on an hourly basis.

  • Security Training & Documentation
  • Access to the Subject Matter Expert

Clearance Assessment 4

The client submits a written explanation of their situation on our secure registration form. PSDS may request additional information or clarification from the client. Following a review of the submission, a 60-minute telephone consultation is conducted. PSDS will assess the client’s situation, identify the relative importance of the issues presented, and propose a course of action to resolve the issue.

Clearance Questions and Answers (Q & A)

The PSDS Q&A service accepts written questions in the secure registration form for inquiries regarding federal clearance policies, procedures, and standards. The Q&A service does not accept questions regarding specific security or suitability issues or their significance. Included with the question should be the type of clearance applying for, the client’s status (e.g., military, contractor employee, federal employment applicant, etc.), and the federal agency that will make the clearance determination. A detailed response will be sent to the client by email within two business days.

Clearance Application Assistance 5 states,15% of all security clearance applications from contractor personnel are rejected due to improper or incomplete form submission, resulting in delays ranging from four to eight weeks. The application forms provide no guidance regarding the inclusion of additional issue mitigation using either the “Optional Comments” fields or attachments. Additional information provided by the client can be critical to the granting of an interim clearance, the speed at which their case is processed, and the granting of a final clearance. This service will help clients identify and properly articulate information that tends to mitigate security/suitability issues and recommend the best method of presenting this information in the clearance application form. It will also help clients avoid providing inaccurate or incomplete answers to questions on the SF86 security forms, as well as the tendency to read too much into the questions.

Subject Interview Preparation 6

The Enhanced Subject Interview (ESI) is a standard component of some Personnel Security Investigations (PSI). A Triggered ESI (TESI) is often an added component to other PSIs when security/suitability issues are present. The Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency (DCSA) currently charges its customers about $1,000 for an ESI or TESI. The ESI and TESI are wide-ranging interviews that cover all questions on the clearance questionnaire form and numerous other questions with particular attention to issue-related information. After a review of the client’s clearance application form and the collection of additional information, clients are guided on how to answer pertinent questions truthfully and precisely without unnecessarily providing information that might tend to confuse or complicate the interview. Clients will also be advised about when to object to or request clarification of inappropriately worded questions. Clients are given instructions regarding mitigating information they should volunteer during the ESI/TESI and assistance in identifying and/or preparing any documents they should give to the investigator.

Select Option

Self Referred Option

In the event that your employer has not established an agreement with PSDS to cover the costs of services rendered to its employees, kindly choose the “Self-Referred” option.

Employer Referred Option

If your employer has an established agreement with PSDS to cover the expenses for services rendered to its employees, kindly select the “Employer-Referred” button.